Prof. Dr. Oliver Daumke

Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC)
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 9406-3425
E-mail: Oliver.Daumke@mdc-berlin.de
Senior group leader at MDC/S-Professor for Structural Biology at Freie Universität Berlin
2014 - ERC Consolidator Grant
2011 - Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award
2011 - EMBO Young Investigator Award
2009 - HFSPO Career Development Award
2007 - HFSPO Long Term Fellowship
2004 - Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max-Planck-Society
2004 - Klaus-Liebrecht Award for best PhD thesis, University Cologne
2001 - Boehringer Ingelheim PhD fellowship
University training and degree
1995 - 2000 - Diplom study of Biology, Universität Freiburg, Sussex (UK) and Köln
Advanced academic qualifications
2001 - 2004 - Dr. rer. nat. study with Alfred Wittinghofer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund
Postgraduate professional career
Since 2013 - Permanent Group Leader at the MDC, Berlin, and S-W3 Professor for Structural Biology, Freie Universität Berlin
2010 - 2013 - Junior Professor (W1) at the Institute of Medical Biophysics, Charité, Berlin
2007 - 2013 - Helmholtz University Junior Group Leader at the MDC, Berlin
2004 - 2007 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, with H. McMahon
Coordinating functions and editorial work
Since 2013 - Vice speaker of the Helmholtz Cross Program Activity 'Structural Biology'
Since 2012 - Member of the Helmholtz Think Tank
Since 2010 - Board Member, Collaborative Research Center 958
Most important publications
Faelber K*, Dietrich L, Noel JK, Wollweber F, Pfitzner AK, Mühleip A, Sánchez R, Kudryashev M, Chiaruttini N, Lilie H, Schlegel J, Rosenbaum E, Hessenberger M, Matthaeus C, Kunz S, von der Malsburg A, Noé F, Roux A, van der Laan M, Kühlbrandt W*, Daumke O* (2019) (*shared corr.) Structure and assembly of the mitochondrial membrane remodelling GTPase Mgm1, Nature 571: 429-433.
Turco E, Witt M, Abert C, Bock-Bierbaum T, Su MY, Trapannone R, Sztacho M, Danieli A, Shi X, Zaffagnini G, Gamper A, Schuschnig M, Fracchiolla D, Bernklau D, Romanov J, Hartl M, Hurley JH, Daumke O*, Martens S.* (2019) (*shared corr.) FIP200 Claw Domain Binding to p62 Promotes Autophagosome Formation at Ubiquitin Condensates. Mol Cell 74:330-346
Hessenberger M, Zerbes RM, Rampelt H, Kunz S, Xavier AH, Purfürst B, Lilie H, Pfanner N, van der Laan M*, Daumke O* (2017) (*shared corr.) Regulated membrane remodeling by Mic60 controls formation of mitochondrial crista junctions. Nat Commun 8:15258
Melo AA, Hegde BG, Shah C, Larsson E, Isas JM, Kunz S, Lundmark R, Langen R, Daumke O (2017) Structural insights into the activation mechanism of dynamin-like EHD ATPases. Proc Natl Acad Sci 114:5629-5634
Reubold TF, Faelber K*, Plattner N, Posor Y, Ketel K, Curth U, Schlegel J, Anand R, Manstein DJ, Noé F, Haucke V, Daumke O*, Eschenburg S* (2015) (*shared corr.) Crystal structure of the dynamin tetramer. Nature 525: 404-8
Daumke O*, Roux A*, Haucke V* (2014) (*shared corr.) BAR domain scaffolds in dynamin-mediated membrane fission. Cell 156: 882-92 (review)
Fröhlich C, Grabiger S, Schwefel D, Faelber K, Rosenbaum E, Mears J, Rocks O, Daumke O (2013) Structural insights into oligomerization and mitochondrial remodelling of dynamin 1-like protein. EMBO J 32: 1280-92
Faelber K*, Posor Y, Gao S, Held M, Roske Y, Schulze D, Haucke V, Noé F, Daumke O* (2011) (*shared corr.) Crystal structure of nucleotide-free dynamin. Nature 477: 556-60
Gao S, von der Malsburg A, Paeschke S, Behlke J, Haller O , Kochs G, Daumke O (2010) Structural basis of oligomerization in the stalk region of dynamin-like MxA. Nature 465: 502-506
Daumke O* Lundmark R, Vallis Y, Martens S, Butler PJ, McMahon H* (2007) (*shared corr.) Architectural and mechanistic insights into an EHD ATPase involved in membrane remodelling. Nature 449: 923-927