Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba

Prof. Dr. Ana Martin-Villalba

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Abteilung Molekulare Neurobiologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 581
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (6221) 42-3766

Position and Status

Professor (W3) and Group Leader

Scholarships and awards

2019 - Female Award German Stem Cell Network
2018 - Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (ERC)
2006 - Heinz Maier Leibnitz-Preis
2006 - Paul Ehrlich und Ludwig Darmstädter Young investigator Award 2006 Walther und Richtzenhain-Preis
1997 - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Bonn

University training and degree

2011 - Master of Management, MZSG, St. Gallen, CH
1998 - M.D., University of Heidelberg
1995 - Medical Full Licence to practise (First class honours), M.D. University of Murcia


Advanced academic qualifications

2007 - Habilitation (venia legendi), University of Heidelberg
2000 - PhD (homologation), Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, ES


Postgraduate professional career

Since 2011 - W3 Professor, DKFZ
Since 2011 - Division Head, Molecular Neurobiology, DKFZ
2006 - Group Leader of Molecular Neurobiology, DKFZ
1999 - Project Leader in the Dept. Immungenetik, DKFZ

Coordinating functions and editorial work


2019 - Evaluation of SFO stem cells and regenerative medicine, Karolinska Institutet, SE
2013, 2018 - Scientific Evaluation, Collaborative Research Center, SFB 870, LMU, Munich, DE
2013 - Member of the Jury, Falling Walls Lab, Berlin, DE
Since 2007 - Reviewer for: Nature, Science, Cell Stem Cell, Genes & Development, NCB,Dev Cell, Neuron, J Neurosci, J Exp Med, Cancer Research, Oncogene, EMBO, and other high IF journals

Grant Reviewing for the German research foundation (DFG) since 2008, French national research agency (ANR) 2011 and 2016; Wings for Life (since 2008), Margarete von Wrangell-Habilitationsprogramm für Frauen (2014); Deutsche Krebshilfe (2016); Humboldt foundation (2017), Research foundation flanders (FWO) 2017, SFB 870 Begutachtung (München) 2013 and 2017, On-site visit Einstein Center for Regenerative Therapies (Berlin) 2016 and 2018

Most important publications

  1. Gülcüler Balta G.S., Monzel C, Kleber S., Beaudouin J, Balta E., Kaindl T., Chen S., Gao L., Thiemann M., Wirtz C.R., Samstag Y., Tanaka M.and Martin-Villalba A.: (2019). 3D cellular architecture modulates tyrosine kinase activity thereby switching CD95 mediated apoptosis to survival. Cell Reports 29(8):2295-2306.e6.

  2. Baser, A., Skabkin, M., Kleber, S., Dang, Y., Guelcueler Balta, G.S., Kalamakis, G., Goepferich, M., Schefzik, R., Santos Lopez, A., Llorens Bobadilla, E., Schultz, C., Fischer , B., and Martin-Villalba, A.: (2019). Onset of differentiation is posttranscriptionally controlled in adult neural stem cells. Nature 566, 100-104

  3. Kalamakis, G., Bruene, D., Ravichandran, S., Bolz, J., Fan, W., Ziebell, F., Stiehl, T., Catalá-Martinez, F., Kupke, J., Zhao, S., Llorens-Bobadilla, E., Bauer, K., Limpert, S., Berger, B., Christen, U., Schmezer, P., Mallm, J.P., Berninger, B., Anders, S., Del Sol, A., Marciniak-Czochra, A., and Martin-Villalba, A. (2019). Quiescence modulates stem cell maintenance and regenerative capacity in the aging brain. Cell 176, 1407- 1419

  4. Chen, S. Tisch, N., Kegel, M., Yerbes, R., Hermann, R., Hudalla, H., Zuliani, C., Gülcüler, G.S., Zwadlo, K., von Engelhardt, J, Ruiz de Almodóvar, C. and Martin-Villalba, A. (2017). CNS Macrophages Control Neurovascular Development via CD95L. Cell Reports 19, 1378-1393

  5. Drachsler, M., Kleber, S., Mateos, A., Volk, K., Mohr, N., Chen, S., Cirovic, B., Tuttenberg, J., Gieffers, C., Sykora, J., Wirtz, C.R. Mueller, W., Synowitz, M. and Martin-Villalba, A. (2016). CD95 maintains stem cell- like and non-classical EMT programs in primary human glioblastoma cells. Cell Death Dis 7, e2209

  6. Llorens E, Zhao S, Baser A, Saiz-Castro G, Zwadlo K, Martin-Villalba A (2015) Single cell-transcriptomics reveals a population of dormant neural stem cells that become activated upon brain injury. Cell Stem Cell 17:329-340

  7. Gao L, Brenner D, Llorens-Bobadilla E, Saiz-Castro G, Frank T, Wieghofer P, Hill O, Thiemann M, Karray S, Prinz M, Weishaupt J, Martin-Villalba A (2015) Infiltration of circulating myeloid cells through CD95l contributes to neurodegeneration in mice. J. Exp. Med. 212:469-480

  8. Letellier E., Kumar S, Sancho-Martinez I, Krauth S, Funke-Kaiser A, Laudenklos S, Konecki K, Klussmann S, Corsini NS, Kleber S, Drost N, Neumann A, Levi-Strauss M, Brors B, Gretz N, Edler L, Fischer C, Hill O, Thiemann M, Biglari B, Karray S, Martin-Villalba A. (2010). CD95-ligand on peripheral myeloid cells activates Syk kinase to trigger their recruitment to the inflammatory site. Immunity 32:240-252

  9. Corsini N, Sancho-Martinez I, Laudenklos S, Glagow D, Kumar S, Letellier E, Koch P, Teodorczyk M, Kleber S, Klussmann S, Wiestler B, Brüstle O, Gieffers C, Hill O, Thiemann M, Seedorf M, Gretz N, Sprengel R, Celikel T, Martin-Villalba A. (2009) The death receptor CD95 activates adult neural stem cells for working memory formation and brain repair. Cell Stem Cell 5:178-190

  10. Kleber S, Sancho-Martinez I, Wiestler B, Beisel A, Gieffers C, Hill O, Thiemann M, Mueller W, Sykora J, Kuhn A, Schreglmann N, Letellier E, Zuliani C, Klussmann S, Teodorczyk M, Grone HJ, Ganten TM, Sultmann H, Tuttenberg J, von Deimlling A, Regnier-Vigouroux A, Herold-Mende C, Martin-Villalba A (2008) Yeas and PI3K bind CD95 to signal invasion of glioblastoma. Cancer Cell 13: 235-248


“Compounds inhibiting CD95 signaling for the treatment of pancreatic cancer”

PCT/EP2010/067491 granted 2009 in Europe.

“Combination of therapies to inhibit CD95L and TNF”
EP 1 235 592 granted November 14, 2007 in Europe (Deutschland, Schweiz)
AU 784102 granted May 18, 2006 in Australia OC&locale=en_EP&CC=EP&FT=D

“Inhibition of the CD95 ligand/receptor system for the treatment of CNS trauma”
EP 1 592 446 granted May 7, 2008 in Europe (nationalisiert in: Frankreich, Belgien, Irland, Deutschland, Spanien, UK, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Dänemark) OC&locale=en_EP&CC=EP&FT=D ; exclusively licenced to Apogenix GmbH

“Neutralization of CD95 Activity Blocks Invasion of Glioblastoma Cells in Vivo”; PCT (WO2008080623); 080623A2&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=WO&FT=D

“The death receptor CD95 controls neurogenesis of adult neural stem cell in vivo and in vitro”; PCT (WO2008034608); 034608A1&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=WO&FT=D