Prof. Dr. Florian Heyd

Prof. Dr. Florian Heyd

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
Takustr. 6
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 838 62938
Fax: +49 (30) 838 56919

Position and Status

Professor of RNA Biochemistry (W2)

Scholarships and awards

2015 - ‘Award for good teaching’ by the association of biochemistry students
2011 - 2016 - Emmy-Noether-Fellowship by the DFG
2008 - 2011 - DFG Research fellowship
2006 - Promotion ‘summa cum laude’
2004 - 2005 - Scholarship of the ‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’ (Doktorandenförderung)
2000 - 2002 - Scholarship of the ‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’ (Grundförderung)

University training and degree

10/1997 - 05/2002 - Biochemistry (Diplom), FU Berlin and University of Cambridge (England), Diploma thesis supervised by J.K. Sethi (Cambridge)


Advanced academic qualifikations

04/2006 - Dr. rer. nat. (Cell biology), University of Essen, 2006, supervised by T. Möröy


Postgraduate professional career

Since 2019 -  Dean of research, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, FU Berlin
2018 - Offer for full professor of Biochemistry (W3) from the University of Wuerzburg (declined)
10/2013 - present - Professor of RNA Biochemistry, FU Berlin (first W2, since 10/2019 W3)
04/2011 - 09/2013 - Leader of the independent Emmy-Noether-Group ‘Functional consequences of alternative splicing in T cells’, Philipps University Marburg
04/2008 - 03/2011 - Postdoctoral fellow, UTSW, Dallas and UPenn, Philadelphia, K. Lynch
05/2006 - 03/2008 - Postdoctoral fellow, IRCM, Montreal, T. Möröy

Most important publications

  1. De Bortoli, F., Neumann, A., Kotte, A., Timmermann, B., Schüler, T., Wahl, M.C., *Loll, B. and *Heyd, F.(2019) Increased versatility despite reduced molecular complexity – evolution, structure and function of metazoan splicing factor PRPF39. Nucleic Acids Research. 47, 5867-5879

  2. Neumann, A., Schindler, M., Olofsson, D., Wilhelmi, I., Schürmann, A. and Heyd, F. (2019). Genome- wide identification of alternative splicing events that regulate protein transport across the secretory pathway. J Cell Sci. 2019. doi: 10.1242/jcs.230201

  3. Goldammer, G., Neumann, A., Strauch, M., Müller-McNicoll, M., *Heyd, F. and *Preußner M. (2018). Characterization of cis-acting elements that control oscillating alternative splicing. RNA Biol. 15, 1081- 1092

  4. Herdt, O., Neumann, A., Timmermann, B. and Heyd, F. (2017). The cancer-associated U2AF35 470A>G (Q157R) mutation creates an in-frame alternative 5’ splice site that impacts on splicing regulation in Q157R patients. RNA. 23, 1796-1806

  5. Preußner, M., Goldammer, G., Neumann, A., Haltenhof, T., Rautenstrauch, P., Müller-McNicoll, M. and Heyd, F. (2017). Body temperature cycles control rhythmic alternative splicing in mammals. Mol Cell. 67, 433-446

  6. Schultz, A.S., Preussner, M., Bunse, M., Karni, R. and Heyd, F. (2017). Activation-dependent TRAF3 exon 8 alternative splicing is controlled by CELF2 and hnRNP C binding to an upstream intronic element. Mol Cell Biol. 37, pii: e00488-16

  7. Kaiser, T.S., Poehn, B., Szkiba, D., Preussner, M., Sedlazeck, F., Zrim, A, Neumann, T., Nguyen, L.T., Betancourt, A., Hummel, T., Vogel, H., Dorner, S., Heyd, F., von Haseler, A. and Tessmar-Raible K. (2016). Insight into the adaptive evolution of circadian and circalunar timing from the genome of a marine insect. Nature. 540, 69-73

  8. Wilhelmi, I., Kanski, R., Neumann, A., Herdt, O., Hoff, F., Jacob, R., Preussner, M. and Heyd, F. (2016). Sec16 alternative splicing dynamically controls COPII transport efficiency. Nat Commun. 7, 12347

  9. Preussner, M., Wilhelmi, I., Schultz, A.S., Finkernagel, F., Michel, M., Möröy, T. and Heyd, F. (2014). Rhythmic U2af26 Alternative Splicing Controls PERIOD1 Stability and the Circadian Clock in Mice. Mol Cell. 54, 651-62

  10. Heyd, F. and Lynch K.W. (2010). Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of PSF by GSK 3 controls CD45 alternative splicing. Mol Cell. 40, 126-37

* Co-corresponding authors