Dr. Alexander Matthias Walter

Leibniz Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
FMP im ChariteCrossOver (CCO)
Intern: Virchowweg 6, Raum 05 217
Chariteplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 450 639026
E-mail: awalter@fmp-berlin.de
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader
2017 - Japan Neuroscience Society, Award for excellent presentation, 40th annual meeting, Tokyo, Japan
2016 - present - Member of the Einstein Center for Neurosciences, Berlin, Germany
2015 - present - Emmy Noether research grant, German Science Foundation (DFG), Bonn, Germany
2010 - 2011 - EMBO Long-term Fellowship, European Molecular Biology Organization
2009 - Invitation to the 59th Meeting of Noble Laureates, Lindau, Germany
2008 - Excellence in Teaching Neuroscience, award for best teaching (tutorial), International Max Planck Research School, Göttingen, Germany
2007 - Symposium Award of the Society for General Physiologists
2005 - 2006 - DAAD Scholarship for graduate students, “Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst”, Bonn, Germany
2004 - 2005 - Scholarship Max Planck Research School, Göttingen, Germany
University training and degree
08/2004 - 07/2006 - Master of Science, International Max Planck Research School Neuroscience Göttingen, Germany & Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
- grade: A, top of the class
2003 - Vordiplom, Department of Chemistry, Georg August Universtity Göttingen – grade “Sehr gut” (excellent)
10/2001 - 07/2004 - Study of Chemistry, Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany
Advanced academic qualifications
2009 - Dr. rer. nat., International Max Planck Research School & Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany – dissertation grade: summa cum laudae (Thesis advisors: Jakob Sørensen, Erwin Neher, Reinhard Jahn)
Postgraduate professional career
03/2015 - present - Emmy Noether group leader, Molecular and Theoretical Neuroscience, Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, Germany
08/2013 - 02/2015 - Post-doc with Volker Haucke, Neurocure Cluster of Excellence, Charité Berlin, Germany
08/2011 - 05/2013 - Post-doc with Jakob Sørensen, Department of Neurosciences and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
01/2010 - 07/2011 - Post-doc with Matthijs Verhage, Center of Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Most important publications
Böhme, M. A., McCarthy, A. W., Grasskamp, A. T., Beuschel, C. B., Goel, P., Jusyte, M., Laber, D., Huang, S., Rey, U., Petzold, A., Lehmann, M., Göttfert, F., Haghighi, P., Hell, S. W., Owald, D., Dickman, D., Sigrist, S. J., and Walter, A.M.# (2019) Rapid active zone remodeling consolidates presynaptic potentiation. Nat. Commun. 10, 1085
Walter, A. M.#, Muller, R., Tawfik, B., Wierda, K. D., Pinheiro, P. S., Nadler, A., McCarthy, A. W., Ziomkiewicz, I., Kruse, M., Reither, G., Rettig, J., Lehmann, M., Haucke, V., Hille, B., Schultz, C., and Sorensen, J. B. (2017) Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate optical uncaging potentiates exocytosis. Elife 6, e30203
Reddy-Alla, S., Bohme, M. A., Reynolds, E., Beis, C., Grasskamp, A. T., Mampell, M. M., Maglione, M., Jusyte, M., Rey, U., Babikir, H., McCarthy, A. W., Quentin, C., Matkovic, T., Bergeron, D. D., Mushtaq, Z., Gottfert, F., Owald, D., Mielke, T., Hell, S. W., Sigrist, S. J., and Walter, A. M.# (2017) Stable Positioning of Unc13 Restricts Synaptic Vesicle Fusion to Defined Release Sites to Promote Synchronous Neurotransmission. Neuron 95, 1350-1364 e1312
Bohme, M. A., Beis, C., Reddy-Alla, S., Reynolds, E., Mampell, M. M., Grasskamp, A. T., Lutzkendorf, J., Bergeron, D. D., Driller, J. H., Babikir, H., Gottfert, F., Robinson, I. M., O'Kane, C. J., Hell, S. W., Wahl, M. C., Stelzl, U., Loll, B., Walter, A. M. *#, and Sigrist, S. J.*# (2016) Active zone scaffolds differentially accumulate Unc13 isoforms to tune Ca(2+) channel-vesicle coupling. Nat Neurosci. 19, 1311-1320
Schotten, S.*, Meijer, M.*, Walter, A. M.*, Huson, V., Mamer, L., Kalogreades, L., ter Veer, M., Ruiter, M., Brose, N., Rosenmund, C., Sorensen, J. B., Verhage, M., and Cornelisse, L. N. (2015) Additive effects on the energy barrier for synaptic vesicle fusion cause supralinear effects on the vesicle fusion rate. Elife 4, e05531
Muhammad, K., Reddy-Alla, S., Driller, J. H., Schreiner, D., Rey, U., Bohme, M. A., Hollmann, C., Ramesh, N., Depner, H., Lutzkendorf, J., Matkovic, T., Gotz, T., Bergeron, D. D., Schmoranzer, J., Goettfert, F., Holt, M., Wahl, M. C., Hell, S. W., Scheiffele, P., Walter, A. M., Loll, B., and Sigrist, S. J. (2015) Presynaptic spinophilin tunes neurexin signalling to control active zone architecture and function. Nat Commun 6:8362
Kononenko, N. L., Puchkov, D., Classen, G. A., Walter, A. M., Pechstein, A., Sawade, L., Kaempf, N., Trimbuch, T., Lorenz, D., Rosenmund, C., Maritzen, T., and Haucke, V. (2014) Clathrin/AP-2 mediate synaptic vesicle reformation from endosome-like vacuoles but are not essential for membrane retrieval at central synapses. Neuron 82:981-988
Walter, A. M., Kurps, J., de Wit, H., Schoning, S., Toft-Bertelsen, T. L., Lauks, J., Ziomkiewicz, I., Weiss, A. N., Schulz, A., Fischer von Mollard, G., Verhage, M., and Sorensen, J. B. (2014) The SNARE protein vti1a functions in dense-core vesicle biogenesis. EMBO J. 33:1681-1697
Walter, A. M.#, Pinheiro, P. S., Verhage, M., and Sorensen, J. B. (2013) A sequential vesicle pool model with a single release sensor and a Ca(2+)-dependent priming catalyst effectively explains Ca(2+)- dependent properties of neurosecretion. PLoS Comput. Biol. 9, e1003362
Walter, A. M., Wiederhold, K., Bruns, D., Fasshauer, D., and Sorensen, J. B. (2010) Synaptobrevin N- terminally bound to syntaxin-SNAP-25 defines the primed vesicle state in regulated exocytosis. J. Cell Biol. 188:401-413
*: equal contribution, #: corresponding author