Prof. Dr. Tobias Dick

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (6221) 42-2320
E-mail: t.dick@dkfz.de
Department Head
2017 - ERC Advanced Grant
2017 - Society for Free Radical Research Europe Basic Science Award
2009 - Chica- and Heinz-Schaller-Award for young scientists
2004 - Marie Curie Excellence Grant
1998 - 2000 - Postdoctoral fellowship from the German Research Council (DFG)
1989 - 1994 - Scholarship from the 'Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes'
University training and degree
1994 - Diploma thesis with Hans-Georg Rammensee at the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
1989 - 1994 - Study program in Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin
Advanced academic qualifications
2009 - Habilitation in Biochemistry, Faculty of Biosciences, Heidelberg University
1997 - PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Biochemistry, FU Berlin (summa cum laude); carried out in the laboratory of Hans-Georg Rammensee (German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg and Institute for Immunology, University of Tübingen)
Postgraduate professional career
2010 - Head of Divison 'Redox Regulation', German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
2003 - 2009 - Independent Junior Group Leader, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
1998 - 2002 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Coordinating functions and editorial work
2014 - present - Co-founder and vice coordinator of the DFG-funded priority program SPP1710 “Dynamics of Thiol-Based Redox Switches in Cellular Physiology”
2011 - 2017 - Co-founder and vice coordinator of the Study Group ‘Redox Biology’ within the “German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology” (GBM)
Most important publications
- Pedre B, Talwar D, Barayeu U, Schilling D, Luzarowski M, Sokolowski M, Glatt S, Dick TP (2023) 3-Mercaptopyruvate sulfur transferase is a protein persulfidase. Nat Chem Biol, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41589-022-01244-8
- Barayeu U, Schilling D, Eid M, Xavier da Silva TN, Schlicker L, Mitreska N, Zapp C, Grater F, Miller AK, Kappl R, Schulze A, Friedmann Angeli JP, Dick TP (2023) Hydropersulfides inhibit lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis by scavenging radicals. Nat Chem Biol 19:28-37
- Talwar D, Messens J, Dick TP (2020) A role for annexin A2 in scaffolding the peroxiredoxin 2–STAT3 redox relay complex. Nat Commun 11:4512
- Stöcker S, Maurer M, Ruppert T, Dick TP (2018) A role for 2-Cys peroxiredoxins in facilitating cytosolic protein thiol oxidation. Nat Chem Biol 14, 148-155
- Morgan B, Van Laer K, Owusu T, Ezerina D, Pastor-Flores D, Amphonsah P, Tursch A, Dick TP (2016) Real-time monitoring of basal H2O2 levels with peroxiredoxin-based probes. Nat Chem Biol 12:437-443
- Peralta D, Bronowska AK, Morgan B, Doka E, Van Laer K, Nagy P, Grater F, Dick TP (2015) A proton relay enhances H2O2 sensitivity of GAPDH to facilitate metabolic adaptation. Nat Chem Biol 11:156-163
- Sobotta MC, Liou W, Stocker S, Talwar D, Oehler M, Ruppert T, Scharf AN, Dick TP (2015) Peroxiredoxin-2 and STAT3 form a redox relay for H2O2 signaling. Nat Chem Biol 11:64-70
- Morgan B, Ezerina D, Amoako TN, Riemer J, Seedorf M, Dick TP (2013) Multiple glutathione disulfide removal pathways mediate cytosolic redox homeostasis. Nat Chem Biol 9:119-125
- Albrecht SC, Barata AG, Grosshans J, Teleman AA, Dick TP (2011) In vivo mapping of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized glutathione reveals chemical and regional specificity of redox homeostasis. Cell Metab 14:819-829
- Gutscher M, Pauleau AL, Marty L, Brach T, Wabnitz GH, Samstag Y, Meyer AJ, Dick TP (2008) Real-time imaging of the intracellular glutathione redox potential. Nat Methods 5:553-559