Dr. Nuria Plattner

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 838 75879
Fax: +49 (0)30 838 75869
E-mail: nuria.plattner@fu-berlin.de
Computational Biophysics
Group Leader
2013 Lise-Meitner Fellowship of the Austrian FWF (2 years postdoctoral funding, not used)
2012 International postdoctoral research fellowship from the Einstein Foundation, Berlin, (5 years postdoctoral funding)
2012 Fellowship for advanced researchers from the Swiss National Science Foundation (2 years postdoctoral funding, not used)
2010 Fellowship for prospective researchers from the Swiss National Science Foundation (1 year postdoctoral funding used at Brown University)
Academic Education
01/2006 - 12/2009 Ph.D. thesis at the institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland Advisor: Prof M. Meuwly
05/2005 - 08/2005 Diploma thesis with John Priestle, Novartis Basel, Switzerland
10/2001 - 10/2005 Study of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
University Degrees
2009 Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry (summa cum laude) University of Basel, Switzerland
2005 Diploma in Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
10/2012 - Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. F. Noé, FU Berlin, Germany
01/2012 - 09/2012 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. M. Meuwly, University of Basel, Switzerland
2010 - 2011 Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. J. D. Doll, Brown University, Providence, USA
2006 - 2009 Graduate student, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland
- N. Plattner and F. Noé (2015) Protein conformational plasticity and complex ligand-binding kinetics explored by atomistic simulations and Markov models. Nat. Commun. 6:7653.
- Reubold, T. F., K. Faelber, N. Plattner, Y. Posor, K. Branz, K., U. Curth, J. Schlegel, R. Anand, D. Manstein, F. Noé, V. Haucke, O. Daumke, O. and S. Eschenburg (2015) Crystal structure of the dynamin tetramer. Nature 525:404-408.
- N. Plattner and M. Meuwly (2012) Quantifying the importance of protein conformation on ligand migration in Myoglobin. Biophys. J. 102:333-341.
- J. D. Doll, N. Plattner, D. L. Freeman, P. Dupuis and Y. Liu (2012) Rare-event sampling: Occupation-based performance measures for parallel tempering and infinite swapping Monte Carlo methods. J. Chem. Phys. 137:204112.
- N. Plattner, J. D. Doll, P. Dupuis, Y. Liu, H. Wang and J.E. Gubernatis (2011) An infinite swapping approach to the rare-event sampling problem. J. Chem. Phys. 135:134111.
- N. Plattner, M. W. Lee and M. Meuwly (2010) Structural and spectroscopic characterization of mixed planetary ices. Faraday Discuss. 147:217-230.
- N. Plattner and M. Meuwly (2009) Higher order multipole moments for molecular dynamics simulations. J. Mol. Model. 15:687-694.
- N. Plattner, T. Bandi, J.D. Doll, D.L. Freeman and M. Meuwly (2008) MD simulations using distributed multipole electrostatics: Structural and spectroscopic properties of CO- and methanecontaining clathrates. Mol. Phys. 106:1675-1684.
- N. Plattner and M. Meuwly (2008) Atomistic simulations of CO vibrations in ices relevant to astrochemistry. ChemPhysChem 9:1271-1277.
- N. Plattner and M. Meuwly (2008) The role of higher CO-multipole moments in understanding the dynamics of photodissociated carbonmonoxide in Myoglobin. Biophys. J. 94:25.